Episode 1
Chapter 1
Space Station 69
In the not too distant future…
Otis the Space Cat was one of my favorite co-pilots. I had just arrived on Space Station 69 with Davey Bones. Fresh off the 2nd world tour of David Art Flood and the Incredible Underwater Orchestra. Instead of galavanting off to Montego Bay Jamaica or the beaches of St Lucia with her glorious Pitons I decided to take Myrtle with Davey and head out into the unknown.
The Orchestra was ready for a break anyway. The Peacock mermaids were bickering by the final shows. Back-to-back-to-back sold-out shows, interviews, tv appearances—you can’t train for that kind of exposure overload. Once the things took off and I was ready for a break too. Plus, I knew where I could acquire an alien spacecraft, a UFO in another dimension.
We had already done it once, so Davey Bones picked up the ship where we left it under the Bermuda Triangle while we were in Diamentia. He picked us up and we headed out into the future…or the past depending what wormhole you end up traveling through.