Episode 10
It was about that time period when we met up that fateful night. It made me think all those great stories. Like how he only had 1 testicle.
It was the thorn in his side. It’s not like he wasn’t born with 2 testicles. It happened on one of his earlier adventures, one of the lives prior to our meeting. By the time we were introduced he only had 4 lives left until 9 and he burned through those in a decade of debauchery.
He was chasing after a Persian kitty named Francesca, while also carrying on with a tom cat named Gunther. Gunther found out about Francesca, and they got into a real cat fight. Gunther won and took Francesca with him. It was a strange story, but he lost a life and a testicle. [aside] I heard years later that he got hit by a human passenger vehicle and the story of Francesca and Gunther was completely fabricated.